Friday 11 May 2018

CNN meets Toke Makinwa, to learn about her journey to success

Nigerian radio host and television personality Toke Makinwa has explained why acknowledging her personal “brand” was a crucial element in her journey to success. She gave the explanation while speaking on this week’s episode of African Voices, CNN. 
Born in Lagos, Makinwa grew up with her siblings after both of her parents died when she was eight years old. She reflects on her father’s ambitions for her: “When my dad was alive, he thought I was going to be a lawyer because I couldn’t keep quiet. I was a bubbly, very chatty child. But I was never really interested in law. I have a lot of respect for lawyers but I’m a creative.”
After gaining some experience on a local radio station and graduating from University, Makinwa explains how she initially faced much rejection, but didn’t let this stop her from her goal of working in the entertainment industry: “When I started auditioning, the light and the fire in me was born and I knew I wanted to do this for the rest of my life. I remember the amount of auditions I’d go to and wouldn’t get a call back. But with every ‘no’, I used it to fuel my passion. ‘No’ doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen, it just means it’s ‘not yet’. [Rejection] fuelled me to keep auditioning and get comfortable in front of the camera. Eventually there was one big ‘yes’ that opened the door to so many other things.”
Makinwa credits her faith for helping her to remain focused and positive and the start of her career: “I feel like my [Christian] faith has helped me on this journey. I mean I don’t know where I would be without my faith. There were times where prayer was all I had, and knowing that this was what I wanted to do. You know, it may not have been clear at the beginning but somehow every single thing I’ve done has always been interrelated. It’s always led to something.”
Today, Makinwa presents a late morning radio show on Rhythm 93.7 and a television show on Ebony Live TV. Having made a name for herself all over Africa, Makinwa is now a social media influencer on top of her day jobs: “One thing I realised in 2017 was the power of my brand. I started realising that people would be influenced by certain things I’d wear and post. So I have some collaborations with some designers and they would sell out! It’s a very humbling process…”
Makinwa outlines her “brand” identity and why she wants to inspire her fans: “I’d say my brand is very aspirational. I appeal to a lot of young people out there… I only have one mission statement: ‘you can’. Regardless of where you started from, regardless of where you find yourself, as long as you have a dream and have a passion for what you do, you can.”
Recently adding another string to her bow, Makinwa became an author in 2016 after releasing her first book, a memoir titled On Becoming. She explains to the programme why she wanted to tell her story: “For many years, as women we’re being told you have to be a certain type of way as a woman and so many people are ashamed of things. You know once you face your fear and shame that shame, there’s nothing else that you cannot take on. As long as you know who you are and are focused on where you’re going, you’ll always find your way.”

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